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Beaches near Kalamiós, in Chania region

Here is list of closest beaches to Kalamiós

  • 7.2 km
  • Kedrodasos beach
  • Rocks in places, White Sand
  • Shallow
  • Turquoise

Kedrodasos, named for its distinct juniper forest, is a stunning beach located 76km southwest of Chania and just 1km east of the famous Elafonissi lagoon. This beach is dotted with enchanting juniper trees, often confused for cedars, that are beautifully tucked in between sandy dunes. Included species are the twisted Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa and Juniperus phoenicea. Visitors are encouraged to treat these delicate trees with kindness and care.

Covering an impressive area of around 11 hectares, the juniper forest offers a magnificent view. The beach is an ideal spot for swimming and is a favorite among naturists. It features a diverse landscape of white sand and occasional flat, smooth rocks. A lack of nearby amenities emphasizes the secluded allure of Kedrodasos, maintaining it as one of the last untouched havens in Europe. Visitors are encouraged to leave nothing behind, ensuring the beach stays clean and untouched.

Acting as a shield from the regular winds of neighboring Elafonissos, Kedrodasos offers a relatively serene sanctuary. The beach also serves as a stopover for the European E4 trail, with yellow and black markers indicating the way.

  • 7.6 km
  • Karavopetra coves, Paleohora