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Beaches near Agios Myronas, in Heraklion region

Here is list of closest beaches to Agios Myronas

  • 12.4 km
  • Ellinoperamata beach
  • Sand
  • Shallow
  • Blue

Situated 8km west of Heraklion city, Linoperamata, also known as Ellinoperamata, is a scenic sandy beach stretching up to 7km long, beginning from Linoperamata and culminating at the Pancretan Stadium, 1km west of Heraklion. The beach is uniquely bordered by the Almiros river in the west.

The locals do not frequent Linoperamata as much due to the presence of a local Power Station and heavy industries in its western region. Nevertheless, the beach boasts of clean water and a serene atmosphere. Unlike the highly organized beaches in the neighboring Ammoudara, Linoperamata has a more natural appeal, although there are a few hotels in the vicinity.

Open to the northern winds, the beach is often wavy, making it a favorite among windsurfers. Getting to Linoperamata from Heraklion is convenient via the city’s bus service.

  • 12.8 km
  • Ammoudara beach - Heraklion